Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid in AceHSC Business Essays

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AceHSC Business Essays – There are a few common mistakes students often make in AceHSC business and will always pull down their scores, and correct the way they tackle the tasks so that they are in the examiner’s favor. With such an approach in mind, I would be guiding you on how exactly you can avoid these mistakes, while also detailing what they are.

So, what exactly is the common issues students face?

1. The Failure to Tackle the Question

One of the common mistakes students make is not being able to handle an essay question in a proper manner. Many students are tempted to write everything they know about a topic which makes it rather a broad response rather than a precise one and marking the box that needs to be checked for the examiner’s eye. They are on the lookout to find out whether or not you have the ability to comprehend and answer a question properly.

Lets quickly look at the steps we could use as a solution:

  • Use this to your advantage. Simplifying a question will automatically pinpoint its important elements. (For example, the question asking only for discussion and nothing else).
  • Write a simple structure to make sure your essay covers the set topic.

2. Disorganised Essay Structure

Incoherent is the right word to describe an essay with an essay that is not adequately structured. Information that is not backed by evidence and is placed randomly greatly weakens your argument.


  • Follow the standard essay outline: introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Employ the use of topic sentences to outline what the major point of a paragraph is, and make certain that your argument is sequential.

3. Weak thesis statement

Your thesis statement holds your essay together. A thesis which is either too general or too poorly written will only serve to bewilder the examiner and undermine your argument.


  • Let your position be known in the introduction, and explain how you will answer the posed question.
  • Do try to ensure that the thesis that you give encompasses the most important points that you will deal with in your essay.

4. Absence of Real Life Cases

Often, your assessors will want to see that you use real business contexts as examples to show you understands some of the major principles. A lot of marks are lost by students for omission of appropriate and recent examples.


  • Investigate real business situations and build a repository of instances pertinent to different popular themes.
  • Make use of this kind of examples when making your argument in order to make your points effective.

5. Jargon Overload

Too much technical jargon may also result in an essay that does make any sense. True, business language should be used but overusing it without expounding on what was said makes an essay unclear.


  • Keep the use of jargon to a minimum and only use them when it is absolutely essential.
  • Always strive for clearer and simpler arguments that you will be able to communicate with ease, to your audience.

6. Poor Evaluation

Stating the facts e g explaining the theories do not earn anyone any marks. In fact quite a number of students lose marks simply because they are unable to critically analyze and evaluate their points.


  • Instead of just describing ideas go further and consider what these ideas would mean what the merits of the idea are and what the shortcomings of the idea are.
  • Use SWOT, PESTLE or Porter’s Five Forces to bolster your analysis.

7. Failure to Plan Properly

A well written essay involves proper planning. One area that most students fail to work out is the amount of time to spend on each section which invariably leads to the time getting out of hand.


  • Divide your time depending on the weighting attached to the essay. It can look something like this, 5–10 minutes for planning, 20-25 minutes for writing, and then 5 minutes towards the end for reviewing the essay.
  • Engage in timed writing of essays so as to make sure you write fast and correctly.

8. Failing to Review and Revise

Even if it is a good essay it will appear to be poor due to misspellings, grammar, punctuation marks, etc. Students tend to lose easy marks as they fail to proofread and tidy up the work done.


  • Devote a reasonable amount of time at the end to look over your essay for mistakes.
  • What is being sought here will include spellings, grammars and sentences that do not make sense.

9. Inadequate Application of Business Theory

Be it accounting or any other subject, business essay should display your grasp of the theories or business principles and its applications in real life. Supervisors and students employ the theories as directives, but many a student fails to apply this theory to their texts.


  • Talk about the pertinent theories and relate them to the essay question along with your examples.
  • Demonstrate how the theory validates your assessment or assists in comprehending events in the real world.

10. Absence of Creativity

Students often dependent on textbooks tend to copy/paste or memorize dissertation outlines, which diminishes their innovativeness. A well-crafted dissertation requires clear rational and a reasonable viewpoint.


  • Analyse the material at hand actively and utilize unique approaches to the topic of consideration.
  • Do not try to stick a bit too much to the pre-learned responses, be versatile with your knowledge to the questions posed.

Final Tips for Success

  • Practice Regularly: During examinations, write essays and analyze them afterwards to sharpen your skills.
  • Stay Updated: Pay attention to various business developments and events and include them in your use case scenarios.
  • Seek Feedback: Discuss your essays with teachers and friends so as to know which areas to improve.
  • Use Past Papers: Be well versed with the categories of questions that are asked frequently in the AceHSC exams.

Mistake those are said before, if evaded will help a scholar write quality Iarts business essays and ensure confidence. Above all, preparation is the ideal answer, and presenting aids that guarantee High marks.

Key Aspects Regarding AceHSC Business Essays

Q1: What is the best way to start an AceHSC business essay?

In order to introduce the topic effectively, think of three components of the introduction of the business essay. They are A background, your main argument and the outline Business Essay. Putting these elements on to paper makes it easier for your tutor/examiner to define what approach or stance you take with the question presented to you.

Q2: How many examples should I include in my essay?

Plane to incorporate two to three examples due to the fact that they will take up a lot of space in your essay and as a result require further explanation. It’s good to be able to have numerous examples but without explanation it’s pointless, so it’s always a good idea to note but not elaborate on a lot and than in depth on just a few.

Q3: How important is referencing in AceHSC business essays?

Most essays don’t require strict references, however, it is good to mention who came up with concepts or to refer to examples from reality. Qualitative research on a company can be done through mentioning its name in an essay or through referencing its theoretical framework.

Q4: What are some effective time management tips for the exam?

Normally, the essays are rated based on their length, and nominatived while they contain a specific amount of review time and writing time, so spend up to 20% on planning the essay, 70% on the essay itself and 10% on reviewing.

You should let typed practice timed essays guide you to be more or less comfortable with the timing.

Q5: Is it permitted for me to provide the same examples for different essay questions?

Yes, but ensure amendment of the examples based on the requirements of the question in which the example will be used. Modify the analysis to correspond to the topic of the essay, rather than simply reiterating expected statements.


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